Executive Chairman

Mr Schofield is a mining company executive with over 20 years experience in the resources sector in Australia and Africa. He has significant experience in conducting feasibility studies and taking projects from feasibility stage into operations. His experience is predominantly in Mineral Sands, Gold, REE, Copper, and Iron Ore. Adam was the founder and a Non-Executive Director of Kingfisher Mining Limited (ASX:KFM) and was the Executive Director and CEO of Nelson Resources Limited (ASX:NES) for 6 years.

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Mr Taplin is a mining professional with over 30 years of extensive leadership, strategic, operating, and large-scale infrastructure project experience including 25 years with Rio Tinto. He has had significant experience in senior government stakeholder engagement in multiple geographies, regulatory and legislative approvals and a demonstrated track record of delivering social consensus to operate successfully. His experience includes operating and developing infrastructure across North & South America–USA, Canada and Peru, Africa, Europe and Australia. This includes large scale mine, port, & rail project development, operations, maintenance, engineering and reclamation in Australian, African, Canadian and US geographies. Additional experience includes extensive health, safety, social and environment management. His commodity experience includes iron ore, copper, gold, coal and phosphate.
Andrew’s leadership style has a focus on culture, diversity, inclusivity and safety.

MR GREG JONES – B App Sc (Geol) (Hons), FAusIMM
Non-Executive Director

Mr Jones has over 25 years’ experience primarily as a mineral sands Geologist. Most of his career has been with Iluka Resources in senior resource estimation/management roles and in the capacity of Competent Person for the reporting and management of Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves. He has helped develop a number of new discoveries into reportable Mineral Resources including Jacinth-Ambrosia. He is a 20 year member of the AusIMM, holding the grade of Fellow, sitting on review committees and has published multiple technical and resource estimation mineral sands papers. For the past seven years, Greg has held various consulting roles, firstly establishing GNJ Consulting Pty Ltd specialising in geological, geometallurgical and resource estimation consulting services to the mineral sands sector, then joining IHC Robbins where he is currently the Commercial and Business Development Manager.

Non-Executive Director (Independent)

Mr Williams is an international expert in the garnet and surface preparation industry. From 2002 until 2011, he oversaw mining operations, head office functions, and international sales & marketing and distribution operations for GMA, the world’s largest garnet producing group based in Western Australia. He also established the group’s American business unit in Houston, Texas. From 2012 to 2020, Aaron co-founded and managed a Malaysian and later Saudi Arabian based manufacturer and distributor of abrasive blasting equipment, blast media abrasives, and related surface preparation consumables. More recently, he founded a blast media distribution business in Malaysia, looking after Southeast Asian maintenance and fabrication yards. Aaron is the CEO of Abrasive Blasting Service and Supplies Pty Ltd (ABSS), Australia’s largest manufacturer of industrial and portable abrasive blasting equipment, and sells surface preparation equipment, accessories, consumables, painting equipment and abrasives, across Australia and New Zealand. Aaron was a Board Director (Global Centre) for the Association for Material Protection and Performance (AMPP), 2022-2024 and is an AMPP Certified Coatings Inspector. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting and Finance and a Master of Business Administration from the University of Western Australia, and until recently was an Australian CPA..